For the last two years village and community life has been in virtual abeyance as we see out the Covid pandemic. The green shoots of recovery are however now with us, along with the first snowdrops of the year.

The Community Association started regular meetings again in October, and although thwarted by Omicron the Village Hall is once again coming to life with existing groups restarting - Pilates, Yoga and Choir - and new groups starting - Art Class, African Drumming and Guides.

A new group - The Dibbers - has also formed to take on and develop Dunshalt in Bloom (see separate article) and we all look forward to seeing the result of their efforts.

 The dark nights have also provided time to update the village website, and regular viewers will recognise a new, 'cleaner' style and some revised layouts. Behind the scenes the technology is now fully up to date and hopefully more secure from hackers.