Over the summer the Hall has undergone a significant transformation. The floor was badly damaged and required refinishing, the decor was a dated 'hospital green', the curtains were literally falling apart as were the photo frames round the walls, and many of the seats were badly stained.
All of this has been remedied. With grant aid from Fife Council and the sterling efforts of a team of local volunteers the floor has been sanded and refinished, the space has been redecorated in a modern colour scheme, the curtains have been replaced by blackout roller blinds, the Old Dunshalt photos have been reproduced on lightweight foam board and the chairs have been professionally valeted.
This adds to the ceiling insulation, replacement lighting, WiFi installation, cloud based heating control and door locking systems completed in recent years to make our Hall a modern, warm and welcoming space for a whole range of activities.

The Way it Was

Village Hall Interior 2

Floor Sanded...


First Lacquer Coat...


On with the Painting....


Final Lacquer Coat...


Pictures Up...


Chairs Valeted....


Job Done
