The Association was formed in 1977, the Trustees of the Village Hall no longer being able to carry out their duties. The Dunshelt Community Council was renamed Dunshelt Community Association, and this new body took over the responsibility for managing and maintaining the Hall for the benefit of the village.

In addition to the management of the Hall the Association also promotes and acts in the interests of the village at large, including organising a range of regular social and fund raising events, maintainance of the village defibrillator and community woodland planting.

The Association is also responsible for managing the disbursements from the Ferguson Trust, which provides for the needs of the senior citizens of the village.

All village residents are warmly welcome to attend any meeting of the Association. Meetings are held in the Hall on the second Monday of every month at 7.30pm. We are always delighted to see new faces and to hear ideas to improve life in Dunshalt for all villagers and visitors. Office bearers are elected at the annual AGM.

All our Minutes and Financial Reports are available to download.

The Association is a registered Scottish Charity.

small green landscape