Welcome to the Dunshalt village website. Here you'll find lots of historical information, information about the village as it is today plus updates on all the latest news and events.
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Welcome to Dunshalt
Dunshalt is a small but lively village, with lots going on for all ages. You'll find news and information about upcoming events right here. Explore the website a little further to find out about the history of the village as well as full information about all aspects of community life today. Sign up to our newsletter (at the bottom of this page) to get all the latest information.
Senior citizens in the village benefit from a trust established by a former village resident. If you are 60 or over you need to be on the beneficiary list.
We can finally say that we have a NEW PLAY PARK. The diggers moved out and the inspectors came in last week and gave their seal of approval. The park is now available for community use once...
Over the summer the Hall has undergone a significant transformation. The floor was badly damaged, the decor was a dated 'hospital green', the curtains and photo frames round the walls were...
The south facing Hall roof has been causing problems for a number of years, and nearly every winter we've had tiles broken or dislodged, causing significant water ingress issues. We were...
Police Scotland local officers PC Mark Lowe and PC Kirstie Haddow provide regular monthly reports covering their activity in the Howe of Fife Community Council area. Go to our downloads page to...
There's a lot goes on in the village despite its small size. Here are some of the regular and occasional events that ensure there is always something to do or or to look forward to.
Village Fete
The Village Fete takes place in August every year, whatever the weather! It is one of the longest running events in the calendar, with photos elsewhere on the website dating back to 1941.
Duck Race
The Duck Race is an annual favourite which heralds the start of Fete weekend, A large crowd of villagers lines the bridge parapet to cheer on their ducks and lollipop sticks in the race to the line.
Family Ceilidh
The Family Ceilidh takes place during Fete weekend and is always an extremely popular, sell out event with the emphasis being firmly on ensuring the whole family can get involved.
Childrens' Xmas Party
The childrens' Xmas party is a highlight for all the young people in the village. After Santa has delivered presents and gone on his way there is an afternoon of food, fun and games for everyone.
Author Evenings
Author evenings featuring best selling authors such as Gail Honeyman and James Oswald are extremely popular, sell out events giving villagers a chance to hear first hand about their writing.
Involving Young People
Young people have lots of opportunities to take part in village life, including painting the chimney pots which now adorn the Community Garden and planting hedgerow shrubs in the park.
Recreational Activities
The Village Hall is popular as a host to a range of recreational activities and classes including Pilates, Yoga, Stretch and Relax, Art, Guides, Sound Bath and Choir.
Jubilee Picnic
A fantastic day out to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, but also a super excuse for villagers to get together for a great post pandemic family afternoon out.
Quiz Night
Quiz nights are ever popular and the Playpark Fund Quiz Night proved no different. Sold out weeks in advance with contestants of all ages, raising funds for our fantastic new playpark.
Band Night
A fantastic foot stomping, back slapping evening featuring local band Bruach. Sold out many weeks in advance, raising funds for the redevelopment of the village playpark.
Every year a village resident decorates and opens his scary, spooky Halloween garden for the enjoyment of local children (and adults!), with donations in aid of charity.
Village Memories
In this section we have a selection of photos supplied by village residents recalling their memories of the village during the 20th century.